
Continuity Integrity

Moving your data around can be a stressful and high risk situation. Ensure that all of your call recordings have successfully migrated with Continuity Integrity.


Ensure that Continuity Automated has transferred the data correctly.


Alert users if anything goes wrong in the migration.


Know that all of your data has successfully migrated over when complete.

When migrating systems, your data integrity is of the utmost importance. Let’s talk! >>

What Does Continuity Integrity do?

Report Reconciliation

Verify that the migration has transferred the data correctly by comparing the target data against the original source data.


Notify users of success or failure if the service is working as it should. No data will be compromised or lost.

Why would I want Continuity Integrity?

Data accuracy verification

Verify the completeness and accuracy of migrated data by comparing it with the source data. Identify any discrepancies, ensuring reliable & consistent data.

Compliance requirements

Retain the integrity of your recordings’ sensitive and regulated information, including compliance attributes such as timestamps, audit trails, & users.

Data loss prevention

Identify any missing or incomplete data sets, ensuring that all voice data is successfully migrated and, if not, allowing you to take corrective actions.

Operational efficiency

Streamline the reconciliation process by automating comparison between source and migrated data, which saves time and resources.

Reporting and alarming

Trigger alarms for any discrepancies found during the data migration, which allows you to proactively identify and resolve data issues.

How the Continuity suite works together

To learn more about Continuity Integrity, download the product overview:

5 Benefits to Data Management in the Cloud

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