
Quality Assurance

Reduce risk and improve emergency response by identifying telecommunicator knowledge gaps and compliance weaknesses so they can be proactively addressed through coaching and training.


Cut evaluation time in half and increase objectivity and consistency in your Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement program.


Leverage the evaluation forms recommended by APCO NENA ANSI-approved standards and adapt them to your agency’s requirements.



Arm your management team with complete incident information to gain more insight into the incident handling process, teamwork, and individual contributions.

Work with us so you can get to the truth faster. Let’s talk! >>

Quality Assurance

In public safety, there is little room for error. Emergency contact centers are under immense pressure to deliver the right action and adhere to protocol.

Quality assurance (QA) helps public safety centers gain valuable insight and drive better PSAP performance by identifying, evaluating, and mitigating knowledge gaps, weaknesses, and compliance violations in incident responses.

By relying solely on manual and random quality assurance methods and not prioritizing high-risk incidents or performance patterns, you may be overlooking valuable opportunities for improvement. After all, it’s impossible to improve what you’re not aware of.

Our automated and targeted QA solution provides a quicker path to uncovering the truth. With the ability to instantly identify areas where telecommunicators are struggling, you can complete more reviews in less time. By focusing on the most important aspects of QA and providing prompt, meaningful feedback, you can help your telecommunicators feel more fulfilled and achieve their best work.

Benefits of Quality Assurance

Cut evaluation time in half while increasing objectivity and consistency

Produce better training and coaching opportunities

Improve employee retention and reduce turnover

Identify best practices and areas of improvement in processes, teams, and individuals

Improve performance issues, knowledge gaps, and compliance violations

Better understand complex incidents with a holistic view

Application Spotlight: NICE Inform Evaluator

NICE Inform Evaluator is an extension of the NICE Inform product, designed to help your PSAP operations improve with greater visibility into identifying and correcting performance issues and knowledge gaps.

Automated, rule-based call selection

To increase the objectivity and consistency of your QA/QI program.

Single call or entire incident evaluation

So you can pinpoint specific actions or address a whole event.

Reconstruction with multiple channels

Including call, video, radio, text, and more.

Collaborate with other agencies

By importing their incident information securely into your folders.

Customizable forms

Including APCO NENA ANSI-approved boilerplates.

Tailored evaluation questions

To different job responsibilities, seniority, types of incidents, and more.

Export encrypted, password-protected incident folders

But still have the option to burn onto CDs or DVDs.

Products with Incident Recording & Reconstruction

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