
Audix Voicemail

Audix Voicemail is a unified messaging system commonly used for providing voicemail services in various corporate and business environments. 

Overview: Audix Voicemail

Audix Voicemail systems were developed by AT&T, which later became part of Lucent Technologies. Offering voicemail storage, message retrieval, unified messaging, custom greetings, and message forwarding, Audix Voicemail systems could vary depending on the version and configuration used by a particular organization.  


With advancements in technology and the move towards cloud-based communication solutions, traditional voicemail systems like Audix have been largely replaced by more modern and integrated messaging and communication platforms.  


Support for Audix Voicemail  

If you are still using Audix Voicemail systems, Wilmac Technologies can recommend the next best-fit Communications Recording solution from our solution portfolio. 

If you are managing multiple legacy voice recorders or would like to migrate your call recordings from legacy platforms, you should also consider our data archiving solution Continuity Replay Cloud. Continuity Replay Cloud is a search and replay tool that extracts your data from its original system, converts it into an open file format, and securely stores it in a browser-based user interface. It is designed to get you back in control of your data and give your organization the flexibility to manage it without having to rely on the original vendor. 

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